Artist – Helen Imogen Field

This website is overdue updated – apologies. I’d rather create than recreate! But see the two links below for the latest!

I often put new pictures up on my Instagram here (Click). Enjoy!

Teddies, an original oil by Helen Field (collection the artist) on canvas, about 1991
Oil paintings
The Lord is my Shepherd - iPad drawing - Brushes - 2020 - Psalm 23. If I walk through the Vale of the Shadow of death I will not fear for you are with me, and your rod (defending) and staff (correcting) comfort me - you spread my table in the presence of my enemies - you make me lie down in green pastures, and lead me by quiet waters
iPad finger drawings
7 decent pots after a year using the wheel - buff clay and one white stoneware

Enjoy the artwork

For gift items – my designs on house-goods, visit my Redbubble

If there is something you would like that you cannot see get in touch and I can get it made for you (the design) so that you can order it. T-shirts, mug, cushion, leggings and a whole lot more.