Survey 1
This picture is the garden I am please to share, with some of you who may be looking at this page.
While this survey is closed in terms of writing it up for College in 2020, you are welcome to actually answer the question. It is “Who is Jesus?” and there are some questions about Social action – what would you like to see.
This survey was done during an HNC in Childhood Practice, on mental health and wellbeing and a connection with Bible stories. Why? My research found that spirituality is a very big part of childhood and that we tend to educate it out of children; however bible stories provide a source of truth (believe it or not) that cannot be found elsewhere.
Do bible stories help people feel more comfortable? I think so and my study showed some positive results; however you can believe what you like and find answers if you look hard enough, to most things.
Transformed life? That is what our mental health crisis requires right not. How to get that? Try bible stories for yourself. Happy to answer questions on how to read this library of books, and I’ve even written a blog toexplain principles, with the bible quotes to help.
I would love to extend this study from 62 respondents to much more, so please feel free to participate – survey is here.
My current write up is downloadable from Facebook as a Word document.